型號: C1380
庫存狀態: 有現貨
MO$540.00 MO$855.00

Gianni Versace (范思哲) Pour Homme 噴式淡香水香味比較輕柔,更適合辦公室的環境和初用香水者,使用的人可以按自己的喜好,塗抹重要部位,這種香水適合在上班和日常時候使用。范思哲Pour Homme 經典男香是專為男士設計的新款香水,該香水源自地中海的基本配料,其芬芳的香調展現當今男士的特質:睿智、自信,能夠在大自然中和諧愜意地生活。選擇范思哲Pour Homme 的男士充滿活力、具有開拓精神,用真正的男士香水展示著力量和熱情。

In the words of Donatella Versace, "I sought an intense and decided fragrance to suit a self-assured and, above all, attractive man." The masculine fragrance has been created from essential Mediterranean ingredients with aromatic notes, including a vibrant citrus blend of bergamot and geranium for a sense of lightness, balanced with deep and sensual base notes of amber and musk.